Scar Repair

The techniques used and the extent of the procedure are determined with each patient, based on their individual needs.

Not every patient is suitable for these treatments and therefore consultation is essential. Mr. Matti will revise with you the goals of treatment, the limitations and the possible complications or side effects of each treatment.

None of these treatments are a replacement for other Aesthetic Plastic Surgery methods of facial rejuvenation when those are a better option to achieve the aimed results. Nevertheless non-surgical treatments are felt by some patients to be a less invasive and quick way to treat successfully certain subtle signs of skin ageing.

Scar Repair

Scar Repair Surgery BM Plastic Surgery London

Scar Repair Surgery London BM Plastic Surgery

Internation Society of Aeshetic Plastic Surgeons

British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons

British Association of Plastic Surgeons

American Society of Aeshetic Plastic Surgeons

Member Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

The Royal Society of Medicine

One of our helpful team is always ready and waiting to take your call

2025 Basim A. Matti