Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

Arm Lift

Brachioplasty – or an upper arm lift – is a procedure that removes both fat and skin from the upper arms. This type of procedure is typically performed under a general anaesthetic. Segments of subcutaneous fat and skin in the shape of crescents are removed from the upper arm region. The skin and tissue that remains is then lifted in order to create a smoother and tighter appearance.

During the procedure, the surgeon will make a cut through the skin and tissue on the underside of the upper arm. This leads to the creation of long scars. These scars may run the full length of the upper arm, from the elbow right up to the armpit. Individual healing and scar formation varies, but generally the scar fades to a fine white line.

As this is a surgical procedure, there will be some discomfort following the operation, and pain relief will be required while the affected area heals. The recovery period is usually between one and two weeks with some restriction on stretching and heavy lifting.

Internation Society of Aeshetic Plastic Surgeons

British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons

British Association of Plastic Surgeons

American Society of Aeshetic Plastic Surgeons

Member Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

The Royal Society of Medicine

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2025 Basim A. Matti