Your Consultation

The function of the consultation

Mr Basim A Matti

During the consultation Mr. Matti will attend in a relaxed environment all your questions and aspirations related to the possible treatments available to you within his specialty.

The principal objective of Mr. Matti is to offer state of the art treatment to each of his patients taking into consideration their individual needs and without ever compromising their safety.

Medicine is not an exact science and the expectations cannot be fulfilled in every single case even with the provision of the most perfect of circumstances. You will be looked after by the best professional and up to date team.

The sequence that you should expect is as follows

Before surgery Mr. Matti sees every patient two times as a minimum. The second consultations are free of charge. In this visit it is essential to establish a doctor-patient rapport of confidence and understanding. In this manner it will be easy for you to talk about all your questions and possible anxieties regarding treatment.

In the first consultation

Explain your specific problem and your expectations.

Summarize your medical and surgical history.

Record your cosmetic history.

Explain the possible treatment or the alternatives to treatment.

Decide about the indication of a non-surgical treatment.

Elaborate a treatment plan.

Define which are the obtainable objectives.

The treatment objectives must be realistic and at the same time should be shared by patient and surgeon. Mr. Matti will not agree to provide a treatment that implies excessive risks to you or that he professionally considers not likely to meet your expectations.

Inform about the cost of treatment (medical and hospital fees).

The cost of your surgery including the anaesthesia will be discussed and fully informed of the total cost in writing.

You are responsible for the hospital fees which will be paid separately

In the second consultation

Preparation for surgery: Informed consent, blood tests (if necessary), imaging tests, measurements, photography and digital imaging. You will be seen by my anaesthetist at the hospital prior surgery.

To perform non-surgical treatments.

Follow up consultations of surgical and non-surgical treatments

Check-ups after surgery between three days to seven days. This will depends on the nature of your operation.

Check-ups after surgery in six weeks, three months, six months and a year.

To revisit the plans of treatment previously established.

To follow up the progress after non-surgical treatments.

To follow up the pathology that doesn’t require surgery.
You will have direct contact with Mr. Matti or one of his experience staffs during and after your treatment.

Internation Society of Aeshetic Plastic Surgeons

British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons

British Association of Plastic Surgeons

American Society of Aeshetic Plastic Surgeons

Member Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

The Royal Society of Medicine

One of our helpful team is always ready and waiting to take your call

2025 Basim A. Matti